E-Sign Disclosure

E-Sign Disclosure & Consent

Electronic Records Disclosure and Consent Agreement

Please read this Electronic Records Disclosure and Consent Agreement (“Agreement”) carefully and download or print a copy for your records. You must click the “I Accept” button at the end of the Agreement to continue your application.

In this Agreement, the words “we”, “us”, “our” and “the Creditor” mean LUTHER APPLIANCE & FURNITURE SALES ACQUISITION, LLC.

Electronic Application and Related Disclosures. Federal laws and regulations, including the federal Truth-In-Lending Act and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Regulation Z, require us to give you certain important disclosures in connection with your application for credit. These disclosures are included with our online credit application, and our credit agreement, and notices of our credit decisions (the “Documents”). With your consent, we will give you the Documents electronically.

Requesting Paper Copy of Disclosures. At your request, we will provide a copy of the Documents in paper-based media. To request a paper copy of your Documents, contact us by telephone at 1-800-358-6466 or by email address at [email protected]. We will not charge you any fees for providing a paper copy.

Your consent is required. You must consent to receiving the Documents electronically to apply online for credit. Your consent will only apply to the application, the credit agreement and related disclosures, and notices of our credit decisions, and you will not be consenting to receiving other electronic records or disclosures at this time.

If you do not want to receive the Documents electronically, you should exit the online credit application area of our web site, and your on-line application will be discontinued.

System Requirements to Access Application, Disclosures and Credit Agreement. To apply electronically and to receive an electronic copy of the Documents, you must have the following:

  • A personal computer or other access device which can access the Internet (e.g. you must have a modem, cable Internet connection or some other means of access to the Internet, and you must have an active account with an Internet service provider), and which can receive files in PDF format.
  • An Internet web browser which can support 128-bit SSL encrypted communications, such as Firefox.

Your access to this page verifies that your system, browser, and encryption software meet these requirements.

System Requirements to Retain the Disclosures and Credit Agreement. To retain the Documents, your system must have the ability to either download (to your hard disk drive or other storage device) or print web pages (screens) and files in PDF format.

Updating Your Information. You should keep us informed of any change in your telephone number or your mailing address. You may contact us to tell us about these changes by email at [email protected]

Acceptance of Agreement and Consent to Receive Electronic Documents. Clicking the “I Accept” button constitutes your written signature and approval of, and agreement to be bound by, the terms of this Agreement. If you click the “I Decline” button (below), your on-line credit application will be discontinued.